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Mission to Nigerian States

During the COVID-19 response...

As part of the advocacy for the Covid-19 national response, the interim NCDC DG and interim WHO Officer-in-Charge led a delegation to visit eight states in Nigeria.

The report highlighted the direct engagements with Executive Governors and Public Health officials for each State to review the state of the response in their respective states.

YEAR: 2020

The NCDC Transformation Journey

For An Institutional Record...

The NCDC project was initiated in 2011, with a Bill backing the agency passed in 2018 and finally, its Act was signed into law by the President later the same year. 2021 marks the 10th year since its establishment and 3years since it was given legal backing. In addition, the First Director-General, mandated by the Act, Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, has now served in this capacity for 5years. Given these milestones of 10 and 5 years respectively, and the importance of 2020 is the year of this young agency's first response to a pandemic, hence the need for this project.

Documentation is important to capture the hard work, innovation, collaboration and determination of the NCDC preparing and responding to diesease outbreaks. This coffee book will be a point of reference for years and decades after the publishing. It will be a valuable tool to use to educate about the history of NCDC, inform about the efforts made against COVID-19 and the ways in which the organisation have leveraged on oppurtunities to develop the country's national health infrastructure 


YEAR: 2021

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